I am trying to use a loop to find the unique variables in an NHANES
dataset and use sapply
to apply the function nhanes_uniq
to the NHANES
library. I keep getting an error, Here is the code:
nhanes_uniq <- vector("integer", ncol(NHANES))
names(nhanes_uniq) <- names(NHANES)
for (i in names(NHANES)) {
nhanes_uniq[i] <- n_distinct(NHANES[[i]])
sapply(NHANES[,ind], nhanes_uniq)
Here is the error:
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : object 'nhanes_uniq' of mode 'function' was not found
this might solve your problem
names(NHANES)[sapply(NHANES, is.factor)]
sapply(NHANES, is.factor)
to get a logical vector for of the columns that are factors. use it as a subset to get the names of the factor vars.