I'm using foundations range slider with a bound input.
I would like to trigger an alert "if" a user keys in a number value in the input that is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum range of the slider.
I was able to do this for the most part with the code:
$("#slideInput").on('blur keyup', function() {
if ($(this).val() > 40 || $(this).val() < 4) {
alert('you have reached a limit');
CODEPEN DEMO: https://codepen.io/jinch/pen/JjKWxOQ?editors=0010
However, I would like this to trigger the alert only when the input field is blured OR when the enter key is hit. I am trying to avoid the alert from popping up simply by typing in the field.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
So I figured out the range slider bound to input was resetting the min/max values before I could trigger the conditional alert.
With that said, I worked around it by disabling the slider before checking the input validity and then re-enabling & reflowing the slider.
There may be a more straightforward approach, but this seems to work if anyone else needs a solution.
$("#slideInput1").on('blur keyup', function(e) {
// disable the slider
// keep slider opacity at 100%
$(".slider").css('opacity', '1.0');
// condition to track if blur or enter key when inside the input
if (e.type === 'blur' || e.keyCode === 13) {
// check the validity of min/max and alert if invalid
if (!(this).checkValidity()) {
alert('you have reached a limit of input #1');
// remove disabled from a slider
// reflow slider to reset it
CODEPEN DEMO: https://codepen.io/jinch/pen/oNLEKpR?editors=1010