I'm trying to find the best practice for this typescript issue I'm experiencing when I upgraded to React Navigation 5. The error I'm getting is
This expression is not callable.
Each member of the union type '{ <RouteName extends "Stack1Screen1" | "Home">(...args:
undefined extends SampleParamList1[RouteName] ? [RouteName] | [RouteName,
SampleParamList1[RouteName]] : [...]): void; <RouteName extends "Stack1Screen1" |
"Home">(route: { ...; } | { ...; }): void; } | { ...; }' has signatures, but none of those
signatures are compatible with each other.ts(2349)
Here is the code I'm essentially using:
import { StackScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/stack';
export type SampleParamList1 = {
Stack1Screen1: undefined;
Home: undefined;
export type SampleParamList2 = {
Stack2Screen2: undefined;
Home: undefined;
type Props =
| StackScreenProps<SampleParamList1, 'Stack1Screen1'>
| StackScreenProps<SampleParamList2, 'Stack2Screen2'>;
const ThisScreen: React.FC<Props> = ({ navigation, route }) => {
const navToHome = () => navigation.navigate('Home');
Hovering over the navigation.navigate('Home')
function displays the error message.
Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks! :)
I used something like this.
export type RandomParamList = {
ScreenRandom1: undefined;
ScreenRandom2: undefined | { screen: string }; // arguments
ScreenRandom3: undefined | { screen?: string, params: { param1: string } };
} ;
export type HomeParamList = {
HomeScreen1: undefined;
HomeScreen2: undefined | { screen: string };
HomeScreen3: undefined | { screen?: string, params: { param1: string } };
HomeScreen4: undefined;
HomeScreen5: undefined | { screen: string };
} & RandomParamList;
export type HomeNavProps<T extends keyof HomeParamList> = {
navigation: StackNavigationProp<HomeParamList, T>;
route: RouteProp<HomeParamList, T>;
const ThisScreen: React.FC<HomeNavProps> = ({ navigation, route }) => {
const navToHome = () => navigation.navigate('HomeScreen1');
const navToHome = () => navigation.navigate('Home'); // you will get error that Home is not allowed