I have table with fields Customer date and amount I want to sum Amount grouped by customer except the last two amounts of every customer by date sample data
customer date amount
a 2020-10-1 100
a 2020-10-2 150
a 2020-10-3 30
a 2020-10-4 20
b 2020-10-1 1
b 2020-10-5 13
b 2020-10-7 50
b 2020-10-9 18
desired result
Customer Amount
A 150
B 14
something like
select Customer ,
SUM(amount- last 2 amount)
From TableA
Group By Customer
One option uses window functions, available in MySQL 8.0:
select customer, sum(amount) total_amount
from (
select a.*, row_number() over(partition by customer order by date desc) rn
from tablea a
) a
where rn > 2
group by customer
In earlier versions, an alternative uses a correlated subquery that returns the third latest date per customer for filtering:
select customer, sum(amount) total_amount
from tablea a
where date <= (select a1.date from tablea a1 where a1.customer = a.customer order by a1.date desc limit 2, 1)
group by customer