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SQL Informix advanced query

Let me try to explain what I want to do with my data. Structure of my data is as follows:

I have 3 columns: date, id, and stage. Stages can be different numbers, but I'm interested in showing specific transition of some id from stage -1 to stage 1. Please see the example below.

  1. I have an id that was in stage -1, then transited to stage 1, and went back to stage -1 later. Whenever the transition from -1 to 1 is made, I want that id.

  2. Here, I have transition from -1 to 3, and that is not what interest me.

  3. Here, transition is made, and this id is what I want to be shown.

  4. Here, we have transition from 1 to -1, and that is not what I want.


    #1   date            id                     stage
        2018-12-31      520000000001354292      -1
        2019-09-30      520000000001354292       1
        2019-12-31      520000000001354292      -1
    #2  2018-12-31      520000000001435675      -1
        2019-03-31      520000000001435675      -1
        2019-06-30      520000000001435675       3
    #3  2018-12-31      520000000003156164      -1
        2019-03-31      520000000003156164      -1
        2018-12-31      520000000003161014      -1
        2019-03-31      520000000003161014       1

   #4  2018-12-31       520500000002472437      1
       2019-03-31       520500000002472437     -1
       2019-06-30       520500000002472437     -1
       2019-09-30       520500000002472437      2

My desired output is:


I hope that I explained this clear enough.

Also, after this, i want to show transition from either -1 and 1 to stage 3.


  • You could use lag():

    select distinct id
    from (
        select t.*, lag(stage) over(partition by id order by date) lag_stage
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where lag_stage = -1 and stage = 1

    This brings all ids that have at least one transition from -1 to 1.

    Also, after this, i want to show transition from either -1 and 1 to stage 3.

    You can easily adapt the query to fit that use case as well. Just change the final where clause to:

    where lag_stage in (-1, 1) and stage = 3