I am requesting the OSM reverse geocode API (https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Reverse/) from app engine. When configuring no timeout, the requests run infinitely. When configuring a connect and read timeout, the request returns successfully with an overall roundtrip time of $connect_timeout plus a small amount of milliseconds. This is the same with:
This does not happen when:
What can be the reason for this behaviour?
A workaround is to not request via the domain name, but request with an ip address (turning ssl cert validation off).
This request is slow:
requests.get(url="https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=0&lon=0", headers={"Referrer": "https://www.example.org"}, timeout=4)
Whereas this request is fast:
requests.get(url="", headers={"Referrer": "https://www.example.org"}, timeout=4, verify=False)
Google seems to do something to openstreetmap requests internally.
I have opened an issue for it: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/171904232