I hope this finds you well.
I have a list of csv files that use a convention similar to this one, "SubB1V2timecourses_chanHbO_Cond2_202010281527"
I want to merge all of the files in the dataset and add in variables such as ID (B1V2), chromophore (HbO in this case; but other files are labeled Hbb); condition (Cond2 in this case, but could be Cond1-Cond9).
Below I have my current function. So far I can read in the ID, time (which is a separate excel document), and the data. However, I am getting NAs for Condition and Chromophore. Is there something I am missing in the string specification?
Any help is truly appreciated.
Take care and stay well, Caroline
multmerge <- function(mypath){
filenames <- list.files(path=mypath, full.names=TRUE) #path=mypath
datalist <- lapply(filenames, function(x){
df <- read.csv(file=x,header= TRUE)
ID <- unlist(stri_extract_all_regex(toupper(x), "B\\d+"))
Condition <- unlist(stri_extract_all_regex(tolower(x), "Cond\\d+"))
Chromophore <- ifelse(stri_detect_regex(toupper(x), "HbO"), "HbO",
ifelse(stri_detect_regex(toupper(x), "Hbb"), "Hbb", "NA"))
#ifelse(stri_detect_regex(tolower(x), "nonsocial"),"NonSocial",
# ifelse(stri_detect_regex(tolower(x),"social-inverted"), "social_inverted",
# ifelse(stri_detect_regex(tolower(x),"social"), "social", "NA")))
# time <- read_excel("time4hz.xlsx")
df <- data.frame(ID, time, Condition, Chromophore, df)
}) # end read-in function
Reduce(function(x,y) {merge(x,y,all = TRUE)}, datalist)
Maybe you want something like strcapture
? For example, if you have a list of file names like this
filenames <- c(
data.frame(ID = character(), chromophore = character(), condition = character())
ID chromophore condition
1 B1V2 HbO Cond2
2 B4V9 Hbb Cond7
Combine this with your multmerge
multmerge <- function(mypath){
filenames <- list.files(path = mypath, full.names = TRUE) #path=mypath
metadata <- strcapture(
data.frame(ID = character(), chromophore = character(), condition = character())
datalist <- lapply(seq_along(filenames), function(i, nms, info) {
df <- read.csv(file = nms[[i]], header = TRUE)
data.frame(info[i, ], df)
}, filenames, metadata)
Reduce(function(x,y) {merge(x, y, all = TRUE)}, datalist)