I am merging two xts objects with join="left" i.e. (all rows in the left object, and those that match in the right). I loaded these objectd in myEnv.
myEnv <- new.env()
getSymbols("AAPL;FB", env=myEnv)
[1] "AAPL" "FB"
MainXTS <- do.call(merge, c(eapply(myEnv, Cl), join = "left"))
AAPL.Close FB.Close
2007-01-03 2.992857 NA
2007-01-04 3.059286 NA
2007-01-05 3.037500 NA
2007-01-08 3.052500 NA
2007-01-09 3.306072 NA
2007-01-10 3.464286 NA
[1] "2007-01-03" "2020-10-27"
[1] "2012-05-18" "2020-10-27"
So far it is working as expected since the time index in above merged object is being picked up from APPL. The issue is that when I change the order of the tickers so that FB comes first, the merged object still picks up time indexes from AAPL.
myEnv <- new.env()
getSymbols("FB;AAPL", env=myEnv)
[1] "FB" "AAPL"
MainXTS <- do.call(merge, c(eapply(myEnv, Cl), join = "left"))
AAPL.Close FB.Close
2007-01-03 2.992857 NA
2007-01-04 3.059286 NA
2007-01-05 3.037500 NA
2007-01-08 3.052500 NA
2007-01-09 3.306072 NA
2007-01-10 3.464286 NA
I was expecting the time index to be picked up from FB. Does any one know what I am missing?
I think this has something to do with the fact that the order of objects being loaded is the same and in both cases above it is:
[1] "AAPL" "FB"
We can change the order with match
out <- do.call(merge, c(lapply(mget(ls(myEnv)[match(ls(myEnv),
c("FB", "AAPL"))], myEnv), Cl), join = "left"))
# FB.Close AAPL.Close
#2012-05-18 38.23 18.94214
#2012-05-21 34.03 20.04571
#2012-05-22 31.00 19.89179
#2012-05-23 32.00 20.37714
#2012-05-24 33.03 20.19000
#2012-05-25 31.91 20.08178