CheckboxTreeview() for Python's Tkinter is a remarkable class. Unfortunately on HDPI monitors (like my 4K TV) the checkbox can be hard to read:
How can the checkboxes be easier to discern on HDPI monitors? Can colors be changed?
CheckboxTreeview() uses stock .png
images at 19x14 pixel size that can appear tiny. I created a function to make scalable checkboxes depending on font size:
Note I removed background selection highlighting in old program which was used before discovering CheckboxTreeview()
The code is pretty straight forward and comments are included for ease of use:
def make_checkboxes(hgt, outc, fillc, chkc):
''' Create CheckboxTreeview(); 'unchecked', 'checked' and 'tristate'
Parms: height, outline color, fill color, checkmark color
Returns list of three PhotoImages for parent. How to use 4K screen:
style.configure("Treeview", font=(None, MON_FONTSIZE), \
self.checkboxes = make_checkboxes(row_height-6, 'black', \
'white', 'deepskyblue')
self.cd_tree.tag_configure("unchecked", image=self.checkboxes[0])
self.cd_tree.tag_configure("tristate", image=self.checkboxes[1])
self.cd_tree.tag_configure("checked", image=self.checkboxes[2])
from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageDraw # Pillow image processing
if hgt % 2 == 1: hgt = hgt + 1 # even number box height
if hgt < 14: hgt = 14 # minimum box height
wid = hgt # square: width = heidht
wid_pad = int(wid * 10 / 20) # lead + trailing padding
xo = int(wid_pad / 5) # x-offset after lead pad
retn_images = [] # list of three images
image ="RGBA", (wid + wid_pad, hgt), (0, 0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Create drawable image
draw.rectangle([(xo, 0), (xo + wid, hgt-1)], fill=fillc, outline=outc)
retn_images.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)) # Unchecked
draw.rectangle([(xo+3, 7), (xo + wid-3, hgt-8)], fill=chkc)
retn_images.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)) # Tristate
draw.rectangle([(xo+3, 3), (xo + hgt-3, hgt-4)], fill=chkc)
retn_images.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)) # Checked
return retn_images