I'm trying to make testRigor find this input with no success: the input we're trying to put data on
<td title="" id="ember857" class="right aligned middle aligned ember-view">R$ 0,00</td>
The ID is not the same always so we can't use it. Already Tried:
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into the second input "R$ 0,00" and save as "custoProdutos"
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into the first input "R$ 0,00" and save as "custoProdutos"
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into input "R$ 0,00" and save as "custoProdutos"
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into input "R$ 0,00" and save as "custoProdutos"
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into input "R$ 0,00" below the "Vl. Un." and save as "custoProdutos"
Please, try the relative location:
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into the third input on the right of "eerenlkrwlfxr" and save as "custoProdutos"
or partial match:
generate by regex "[1-9]{6}", then enter into the second input "R$" and save as "custoProdutos"