I'm trying to write a bash script (which is installed as a service) to watch multiple directories and move any files that are created in that directory to another directory. For example, I want to move any files created in /home/test/directory1 to /opt/directory1 but I also want to move any files created in /home/test/directory2 to /opt/directory2 but all in one script as a running service. This is my script so far;
inotifywait -m "$directory" --format '%w%f' -e create |
while read file; do
cp "$file" "$archive"
mv "$file" "$target"
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Sure, that can be done, with a little bit of extra logic; caveat: this assumes that any of the target directories exist in both /home/test
and under /opt
and that their names match.
# we use an array to store the watched directories
directories=(/home/test/directory5 /home/test/directory6)
inotifywait -m --format '%w%f' -r -e create "${directories[@]/#/}" |
while read spotted;
cp "${spotted}" "$archive"
mv "${spotted}" "$( echo ${spotted}|awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="/"}{print "/opt",$(NF-1),$NF }')"
Another observation: should a file of the same name be created in either of your directories the target in archive will be overwritten. You may want to think about that.