Given that the firestore rules structure allows for functions, is there some way to add debug logs to those rule-functions ? .. in order to verify that the function you expect, is in fact being called.
I see that with the simulator it shows a red X at the line in the rules sturcture, where access is denied for a given simulation-request. However, am curious for verification in production mode so it can be communicated to parties concerned about the rules integrity.
In the example below, I was thinking it might be implemented with that commented-out line:
console.log('ENTER: isAccessOn()');
However this does not work. Asking here in case there's any option for something like this in the platform.. or if not, if there's a suggestion for how to make such verifications with a production deployment. Thanks
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// block client access
function isAccessOn() {
// console.log('ENTER: isAccessOn()');
return false;
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if isAccessOn();
Firestore rules now have a debug() function
It's still not brilliant but better than before.