I have below dataset with comments which row must be returned.
--('pl', '0', '5', '2.5'),
--('pl', '5', '10', '4.5'),
--('pl', '10', '15', '6'),
--('pl', '15', '20', '8'), -- return this row
--('de', '0', '5', '1.5'),
--('de', '5', '10', '1.5'),
--('de', '10', '15', '1.5'),
--('de', '15', '45', '1.5'), -- return this row
--('cz', '0', '5', '5'),
--('cz', '5', '10', '5'),
--('cz', '10', '15', '6'),
--('cz', '15', '30', '4') -- return this row
Logic is: return value for max kg_to within partition of each country.
Current working code:
select t.country, t.kg_to, t.value
from rates t
inner join (select country, max(t2.kg_to) as max_kg
from rates t2
group by 1) t2 on t.country = t2.country
WHERE t.kg_to = t2.max_kg;
enter code here
Use distinct on
select distinct on (t.country) r.*
from rates r
order by t.country, kg_to desc;
Or window functions:
select r.*
from (select r.*,
row_number() over (partition by country order by kg_to desc) as seqnum
from rates r
) r
where seqnum = 1;
Note: I also don't see how your code could be retrieving duplicates, unless you have duplicate maximum values for a country in your table.