Hey I am looking to use a jenkins pipeline to automatically run a vercode application scan. I know how to launch the scan manually using a few sets of commands. I was just going to add these commands to a script and run them, but maybe there is a better way to do this? Something like this is over engineered for my purposes:https://github.com/OLSPayments/veracode-scripts/blob/master/submitToVeracode.py.
I figured out that it can be done through a Jenkins pipeline. Here is an example:
pipeline {
agent any-with-jdk8-maven-curl-unzip
stages {
stage('Maven Build') {
steps {
- sh 'maven clean verify'
stage('Veracode Pipeline Scan') {
steps {
- sh `curl -O https://downloads.veracode.com/securityscan/pipeline-scan-LATEST.zip`
- sh `unzip pipeline-scan-LATEST.zip pipeline-scan.jar`
- sh `java -jar pipeline-scan.jar \
--veracode_api_id "${VERACODE_API_ID}" \
--veracode_api_key "${VERACODE_API_SECRET}" \
--file "build/libs/sample.jar" \
--fail_on_severity="Very High, High" \
--fail_on_cwe="80" \
--baseline_file "${CI_BASELINE_PATH}" \
--timeout "${CI_TIMEOUT}" \
--project_name "${env.JOB_NAME}" \
--project_url "${env.GIT_URL}" \
--project_ref "${env.GIT_COMMIT}" \
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'results.json', fingerprint: true
documentation: https://help.veracode.com/reader/tS9CaFwL4_lbIEWWomsJoA/G02kb80l3gTu_ygcuFODaw