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How to find row and column coordinates from an excel sheet for non-empty data?

What i am trying is get the excel data content with some color formatting and take screenshot and save the image.

My Business logic will look like this

def capture_multiple_images():
    capture_image("REPORT_1_NONCOLOR_TEST.xlsx","RSP_TIME.jpeg",13,12)  #upto 13 rows, 12 columns
    capture_image("REPORT_2_NONCOLOR_TEST.xlsx","FID_REPORT.jpeg",6,10)  #upto 6 rows, 10 columns
    capture_image("REPORT_3_NONCOLOR_TEST.xlsx","ERCD_TREND.jpeg",5,7)  #upto 5 rows, 7 columns

Capture_image method is having the following code -

def capture_image(EXCEL_FILE,IMAGE_NAME,row,column):
    excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
    workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(os.path.join(Path.cwd(),EXCEL_FILE))
    ws = workbook.Worksheets['Sheet1']
    ws.Range(ws.Cells(1,1),ws.Cells(row,column)).CopyPicture(Format= win32.constants.xlBitmap)  
    img = ImageGrab.grabclipboard()
    cwd = Path.cwd()
    imgFile = os.path.join(cwd,IMAGE_NAME)

If you noticed i am getting the row, column from the user . So i want the coordinates dynamically based on the non empty cells. I dont need to mention the row, column every time . Because the excel files data are dynamic so i need a method to get the total rows and total columns is having only data.

Attached is my sample data, If you see the data here i need the coordinate of 5 rows and 7 columns from a program so that i can pass those data to my "capture_image" method. Instead of passing manually like this


but expected is

def get_row(excel_file):
    program to get the total number of rows is having non empty data
    return row_number

def get_column(excel_file):
    program to get the total number of columns is having non empty data
    return column_number

Now the expected method calling will be like this -


enter image description here


  • Following code solved my problem -

    from openpyxl import load_workbook
    wb = load_workbook("REPORT_3_NONCOLOR_TEST.xlsx")
    print( (wb.worksheets[0].max_column))

    Now i can call the method like this -
