I am trying to clean and normalize URLs in a text file.
Here is my current code:
import re
with open("urls.txt", encoding='utf-8') as f:
content = f.readlines()
content = [x.strip() for x in content]
url_format = "https://www.google"
for item in content:
if not item.startswith(url_format):
old_item = item
new_item = re.sub(r'.*google', url_format, item)
with open('result.txt', mode='wt', encoding='utf-8') as myfile:
The issue is that if I print the old and new items in the loop, it shows me that each URL has been cleaned. But when I print my list of URLs outside of the loop, the URLs are still not cleaned, some of them get removed and some of them do not.
May I ask why the bad URLs still is inside the list when I remove them in my for loop and add the cleaned URL? Perhaps this should be resolved in a different way?
Also, I have noticed that with a big set of URLs it takes a lot of time for the code to run, perhaps I should use different tools?
Any help will be appreciated.
That is because you removing items from the list while iterating over it, which is a bad thing to do, you could either create another list that has the new values and append to it, or modify the list in-place using indexing, you could also just use a list comprehension for this task:
content = [item if item.startswith(url_format) else re.sub(r'.*google', url_format, item) for item in content]
Or, using another list:
new_content = []
for item in content:
if item.startswith(url_format):
new_content.append(re.sub(r'.*google', url_format, item))
Or, modifying the list in-place, using indexing:
for i, item in enumerate(content):
if not item.startswith(url_format):
content[i] = re.sub(r'.*google', url_format, item)