I am trying to create WebDriver UI tests framework using Page Object pattern, using the following URL as a reference: http://www.peternewhook.com/2010/09/automated-testing-pageobjects-webdriver/
As per example I have created 3 classes (see below). The problem is with the line return PageFactory.InitElements(_driver, page);
in the Search method of the SearchPage class.
When I try to build I get the following error:
The type 'OpenQA.Selenium.ISearchContext' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'WebDriver
Fair enough, as I am referencing WebDriver.Common.dll, so I tried removing it and added WebDriver.dll to my References and all of a sudden I get the following when I build:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'ConsoleApplication1.ResultsPage'
and it fails on the same line; when I hover over it, it says:
Cannot convert expression type 'void' to 'ConsoleApplication1.ResultsPage'.
I also tried referencing both assemblies and thought I could use different usings but it is a no-go, didn't work.
Why can't PageFactory.InitElements be returned when using WebDriver.dll?
Is there a way around it, or can I achieve the same result by changing the architecture slightly?
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.
using OpenQA.Selenium;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class Page
public IWebDriver _driver;
public Page(IWebDriver driver)
this._driver = driver;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class ResultsPage : Page
public ResultsPage(IWebDriver driver)
: base(driver)
private IWebElement count;
public string GetPagesReturned()
return count.Text;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class SearchPage : Page
public SearchPage(IWebDriver driver) : base(driver)
private IWebElement q;
private IWebElement go;
public ResultsPage Search(string searchStatement)
ResultsPage page = new ResultsPage(_driver);
return PageFactory.InitElements(_driver, page);
The problem is that PageFactory.InitElements()
returns void. Rather, it modifies the page you've passed in. Your code should look something like this:
public ResultsPage Search(string searchStatement)
ResultsPage page = new ResultsPage(_driver);
PageFactory.InitElements(_driver, page);
return page;