Using Playwright for Python, I want to wait for a change of content.
I can get the content of a selector like this
month = page.querySelector('.day__month_btn').innerText()
In this example, I'm reading the month value of a datepicker element and want to select the next month. Then wait, until the month has changed.
To change the month, I can click on the next month icon
I now want to wait until the click is accepted.
A hacky way is to wait is to repeatedly grab the value until it changes
while True:
if page.querySelector('.day__month_btn').innerText() != month:
In a real world, I'd also need check for timeouts.
Is there a better way to do this?
You can use waitForFunction
month = page.querySelector(".day__month_btn").innerText()
page.waitForFunction("document.querySelector('.day__month_btn').innerText() !== '" + month + "'")