Currently I'm working on an UWP NuGet package for making it easier to create great popups and dialogs. Currently the project is newborn and doesn't have so much controls but I tried to create a NuGet package for it to be a test for making sure it is all good. Unless I'm using app with the class library referenced to the sample project all things working well but after downloading the library from NuGet I'm getting XamlParseException error. I searched a bit and find it out that I should add some xaml, xbf or somethings in the output so I tried to add the following lines to my nuspec.
<!-- XAML controls -->
<file src="Controls\MessageBoxControls\MessageBoxControl.xaml" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\MessageBoxControls"/>
<file src="bin\Debug\UWPPopupToolkit\Controls\MessageBoxControls\MessageBoxControl.xbf" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\MessageBoxControls"/>
<file src="Controls\PopupControlControls\PopupControl.xaml" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\PopupControlControls"/>
<file src="bin\Debug\UWPPopupToolkit\Controls\PopupControlControls\PopupControl.xbf" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\PopupControlControls"/>
<file src="Controls\SlideupPopupControls\SlideupPopup.xaml" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\SlideupPopupControls"/>
<file src="bin\Debug\UWPPopupToolkit\Controls\SlideupPopupControls\SlideupPopup.xbf" target="lib\netcore50\Controls\SlideupPopupControls"/>
But still I'm getting same error any idea how to solve it? I should mention that the project is currently available on Github on the following link and the NuGet package also is available here
Thanks to @Perry Qian-MSFT Finally, I got able to fix the issue. adding files like this
<!-- Dll -->
<file src="bin\Release\UWPPopupToolkit.dll" target="lib\netcore50" />
<!-- Resources -->
<file src="bin\Release\UWPPopupToolkit.pdb" target="lib\netcore50" />
<file src="bin\Release\UWPPopupToolkit.pri" target="lib\netcore50" />
<!-- IntelliSense -->
<file src="bin\Release\UWPPopupToolkit.XML" target="lib\netcore50" />
<!-- XAML control -->
<file src="bin\Release\UWPPopupToolkit\**\*.*" target="lib\netcore50\UWPPopupToolkit" />
<!-- Icon -->
<!--<file src="..\icon.png" target="images\" />-->
solved the problem. You can find the result files here: UWPPopupToolkitSDK.nuspec | UWPPopupToolkit.props | UWP Popup Toolkit Github