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VBScript passing value by reference (VarPtr) to ActiveX function

I'm trying this:

  Dim oApp
  Dim iReturnedResult

  Set oApp = CreateObject("Some.Application")
  Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", VarPtr(iReturnedResult))

The ActiveX control expects the second parameter to be a Long by reference.

This works perfectly well inside Excel VBA. I can run this step by step, and see the result is returned like it should.

But, when I move this code to a VBS file and run it from the command line (CScript.exe), I get an error 800A000D, meaning it's the wrong type.

I have also tried creating an array instead, and tested with these commands, without any luck:

Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", VarPtr(iReturnedResult(0)))
Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", iReturnedResult(0))

Does anyone know how to pass a long variable by reference to an ActiveX control from VBScript?


  • The simple answer is VarPtr() is not supported by VBScript.

    To my knowledge, there is no equivalent that allows you to pass a pointer to a variables memory address.

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