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Unit test sleep durations polly wait retry policy

I wanted to write a unit test to see if the execution is put to sleep for the specified duration. I have come across the SystemClock which is part of Polly.Utilities, but I'm looking for the implementation similar to Polly unit test as mentioned here WaitAndRetrySpecs, which looks like this

 public void Should_sleep_for_the_specified_duration_each_retry_when_specified_exception_thrown_same_number_of_times_as_there_are_sleep_durations()
      var totalTimeSlept = 0;

      var policy = Policy

      SystemClock.Sleep = span => totalTimeSlept += span.Seconds;


                      .Be(1 + 2 + 3);

Currently my policy looks like

var customPolicy = Policy
                     .Handle<SqlException>(x => IsTransientError(x))
                      (retryAttempt) => getSleepDurationByRetryAtempt(retryAttempt)

I want to test overall time slept for policy. For each retry attempts [1,2,3] sleep durations are [1,2,3]. After all 3 retries the total sleep duration should be 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. This test very similar to Polly specs mentioned in the link above.

Question: How do I write the unit test for the customPolicy to test the total sleep duration similar to the polly specs. I want to see a implementation or directions to write the unit test.


  • You can achieve this by utilizing the onRetry function.

    To make it simple let me define the IsTransientError and GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt methods like this:

    public TimeSpan GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt(int attempt) => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(attempt);
    public bool IsTransientError(SqlException ex) => true;

    BTW you can shorten your policy definition by avoiding (unnecessary) anonymous lambdas:

    var customPolicy = Policy
        .WaitAndRetryAsync(3, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt)

    So, back to the onRetry. There is an overload which have the following signature: Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context>. Here the second parameter is the sleep duration.

    All we need to do is to provide a function here, which accumulates the sleep durations.

    var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
    onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }

    Let's put all these together:

    public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected()
        var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
        var customPolicy = Policy
            .WaitAndRetryAsync(3, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
                onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }
        Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async() => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => throw new SqlException());
        _ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
        Assert.Equal(6, totalSleepDuration.Seconds);

    UPDATE #1: Reduce delays and introduce theory

    Depending on your requirements it might make sense to run this same test case with different parameters. That's where Theory and InlineData can help you:

    [InlineData(3, 600)]
    [InlineData(4, 1000)]
    [InlineData(5, 1500)]
    public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected(int retryCount, int expectedTotalSleepInMs)
        var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
        var customPolicy = Policy
            .WaitAndRetryAsync(retryCount, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
                onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }
        Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async () => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => throw new SqlException());
        _ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
        Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(expectedTotalSleepInMs), totalSleepDuration);
    public static TimeSpan GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt(int attempt) => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(attempt * 100);

    UPDATE #2: Passing the TimeSpan via the Context

    In order to make the transfer and retrieval of the TimeSpan a bit more type-safe we can create two extension methods for this:

    public static class ContextExtensions
        private const string Accumulator = "DurationAccumulator";
        public static Context SetAccumulator(this Context context, TimeSpan durationAccumulator)
            context[Accumulator] = durationAccumulator;
            return context;
        public static TimeSpan? GetAccumulator(this Context context)
            if (!context.TryGetValue(Accumulator, out var ts))
                return null;
            if (ts is TimeSpan accumulator) 
                return accumulator;
            return null;

    We can also extract the Policy creation logic:

    private AsyncPolicy GetCustomPolicy(int retryCount)
        => Policy
            .WaitAndRetryAsync(retryCount, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
                onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) =>
                    var totalSleepDuration = ctx.GetAccumulator();
                    if (!totalSleepDuration.HasValue) return;
                    totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Value.Add(duration);

    Now let's put all these together (once again):

    [InlineData(3, 600)]
    [InlineData(4, 1000)]
    [InlineData(5, 1500)]
    public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected(
            int retryCount, int expectedTotalSleepInMs)
        var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
        var customPolicy = GetCustomPolicy(retryCount);
        var context = new Context().SetAccumulator(totalSleepDuration);
        Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async () => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(ctx => throw new SqlException(), context);
        _ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
        var accumulator = context.GetAccumulator();
        Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(expectedTotalSleepInMs), accumulator.Value);