I wanted to write a unit test to see if the execution is put to sleep for the specified duration. I have come across the SystemClock
which is part of Polly.Utilities
, but I'm looking for the implementation similar to Polly unit test as mentioned here WaitAndRetrySpecs
, which looks like this
public void Should_sleep_for_the_specified_duration_each_retry_when_specified_exception_thrown_same_number_of_times_as_there_are_sleep_durations()
var totalTimeSlept = 0;
var policy = Policy
SystemClock.Sleep = span => totalTimeSlept += span.Seconds;
.Be(1 + 2 + 3);
Currently my policy looks like
var customPolicy = Policy
.Handle<SqlException>(x => IsTransientError(x))
(retryAttempt) => getSleepDurationByRetryAtempt(retryAttempt)
I want to test overall time slept for policy. For each retry attempts [1,2,3] sleep durations are [1,2,3]. After all 3 retries the total sleep duration should be 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. This test very similar to Polly specs mentioned in the link above.
Question: How do I write the unit test for the customPolicy to test the total sleep duration similar to the polly specs. I want to see a implementation or directions to write the unit test.
You can achieve this by utilizing the onRetry
To make it simple let me define the IsTransientError
and GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt
methods like this:
public TimeSpan GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt(int attempt) => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(attempt);
public bool IsTransientError(SqlException ex) => true;
BTW you can shorten your policy definition by avoiding (unnecessary) anonymous lambdas:
var customPolicy = Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(3, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt)
So, back to the onRetry. There is an overload which have the following signature: Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context>
. Here the second parameter is the sleep duration.
All we need to do is to provide a function here, which accumulates the sleep durations.
var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }
Let's put all these together:
public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected()
var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
var customPolicy = Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(3, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }
Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async() => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => throw new SqlException());
_ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
Assert.Equal(6, totalSleepDuration.Seconds);
UPDATE #1: Reduce delays and introduce theory
Depending on your requirements it might make sense to run this same test case with different parameters. That's where Theory
and InlineData
can help you:
[InlineData(3, 600)]
[InlineData(4, 1000)]
[InlineData(5, 1500)]
public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected(int retryCount, int expectedTotalSleepInMs)
var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
var customPolicy = Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(retryCount, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) => { totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Add(duration); }
Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async () => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => throw new SqlException());
_ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(expectedTotalSleepInMs), totalSleepDuration);
public static TimeSpan GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt(int attempt) => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(attempt * 100);
UPDATE #2: Passing the TimeSpan via the Context
In order to make the transfer and retrieval of the TimeSpan
a bit more type-safe we can create two extension methods for this:
public static class ContextExtensions
private const string Accumulator = "DurationAccumulator";
public static Context SetAccumulator(this Context context, TimeSpan durationAccumulator)
context[Accumulator] = durationAccumulator;
return context;
public static TimeSpan? GetAccumulator(this Context context)
if (!context.TryGetValue(Accumulator, out var ts))
return null;
if (ts is TimeSpan accumulator)
return accumulator;
return null;
We can also extract the Policy creation logic:
private AsyncPolicy GetCustomPolicy(int retryCount)
=> Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(retryCount, GetSleepDurationByRetryAttempt,
onRetry: (ex, duration, ctx) =>
var totalSleepDuration = ctx.GetAccumulator();
if (!totalSleepDuration.HasValue) return;
totalSleepDuration = totalSleepDuration.Value.Add(duration);
Now let's put all these together (once again):
[InlineData(3, 600)]
[InlineData(4, 1000)]
[InlineData(5, 1500)]
public async Task GivenACustomSleepDurationProvider_WhenIUseItInARetryPolicy_ThenTheAccumulatedDurationIsAsExpected(
int retryCount, int expectedTotalSleepInMs)
var totalSleepDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
var customPolicy = GetCustomPolicy(retryCount);
var context = new Context().SetAccumulator(totalSleepDuration);
Func<Task> actionWithRetry = async () => await customPolicy.ExecuteAsync(ctx => throw new SqlException(), context);
_ = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<SqlException>(actionWithRetry);
var accumulator = context.GetAccumulator();
Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(expectedTotalSleepInMs), accumulator.Value);