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How to join two tables using Linq and count the rows of one column matched records

Hi I have two tables: Teachers and Departments.

My Teacher table is having these columns(Teacherid,Name,Department).

| TeacherId | Name | Department |
|           |      |            |

My Department table is having (id,department_name) columns.

| Id | Department_Name |
|    |                 |

Now I want to show the listing of departments and I also want to show the total No# of teachers having this department how to achieve that using linq query.


  • Let's suppose your models look like this:

    public class Teacher
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
    public class Department
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    Let's create some sample data:

    var departments = new List<Department>
        new Department { Id = 1, Name = "A" },
        new Department { Id = 2, Name = "B" },
        new Department { Id = 3, Name = "C" }
    var teachers = new List<Teacher>
        new Teacher { Id = 1, Name = "AA", DepartmentId = 1 },
        new Teacher { Id = 2, Name = "AB", DepartmentId = 1 },
        new Teacher { Id = 3, Name = "CA", DepartmentId = 3 }

    Let's join them and calculate the requested output:

    var report =from department in departments
        join teacher in teachers on department.Id equals teacher.DepartmentId into teachersInDepartment
        select new
            DepartmentName = department.Name,
            NumberOfTeachers = teachersInDepartment.Count()

    And finally printing out the report:

    foreach (var record in report)
        Console.WriteLine($"{record.DepartmentName}: {record.NumberOfTeachers}");
    A: 2
    B: 0
    C: 1