I am using following code to set shortcut keys for my JFrame.
KeyboardFocusManager keyManager;
keyManager.addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher() {
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e){
if(e.getID()==KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_C && e.isShiftDown()){
return false;
And it works fine! but the problem is that when user is writing something in some textfield or table cells etc. and wants to write any capital letter let's say Compose and presses Shift+C to capitalise then my code accepts this as a shortcut key and instead of writing the capital letter that event is fired.
What I want to do is disable this event for all editable cells, fields etc through out the program And enable it back again when the editable component loses focus. I want my shortcut keys to only work when user is not editing any field or writing something in the program.
I resolved this with a check on KeyDispatchEvent by identifying specific instances of the components on which I don't want my event to work when focused.
boolean check = true;
Component comp = FocusManager.getCurrentManager().getFocusOwner();
if(comp instanceof JTextField || comp instanceof JTextArea || comp instanceof JComboBox || comp instanceof JTable){
check = false;
} catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace();
check = true;
if (check)
//do something