Let say I have a sentence as This is my whole sentence
Now I want a part of above sentence This is
left aligned. And the remaining part of same sentence my whole sentence
as right aligned.
I basically wanted to have option to configure Footer
of my document, as part to go left side and another part on the right side.
Is there any way to achieve this with Libre-office writer
Any pointer will be highly appreciated.
This is done using a tabulator - the tabulation character is entered from the keyboard using the Tab key, and the result of its application is controlled by the type of tabulator and its position on the ruler.
The video shows the formatting of the Header with a Tab. The same steps apply to both Footer and normal paragraph text.
Tab types change cyclically with each click - Left (default), Right, Center, and By Decimal Separator (used to align numbers).
Use the Edit Tabs to fine-tune tab stops