I am working on an application in which a user selects a pdf file and then it gets uploaded on firebase. The problem is when a user wants to select a file then other files which are not pdf are also shown. I want to restrict it and want to show pdf files only.
I am using this code to select pdf files only but its showing other files as well.
Intent intent = new Intent();
startActivityForResult(intent.createChooser(intent, "Select PDF file"), FILE_CHOOSER);
How can i do it? Any help?
I am using this code to open PDF files only.
String[] supportedMimeTypes = {"application/pdf"};
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT);
intent.setType(supportedMimeTypes.length == 1 ? supportedMimeTypes[0] : "*/*");
if (supportedMimeTypes.length > 0) {
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, supportedMimeTypes);
} else {
String mimeTypes = "";
for (String mimeType : supportedMimeTypes) {
mimeTypes += mimeType + "|";
intent.setType(mimeTypes.substring(0,mimeTypes.length() - 1));
startActivityForResult(intent, FILE_CHOOSER);