I'm trying to make a function that compose a function f(x) by itself N times, something like that:
function CompositionN(f,N)
for i in 1:N
f(x) = f(f(x))
return f(x)
I need that the function CompositionN returns another function, not a value.
The solution with ntuple
and splatting works very well up to a certain number of compositions, say 10, and then falls off a performance cliff.
An alternative solution, using reduce
, is fast for large numbers of compositions, n
, but comparatively slow for small numbers:
compose_(f, n) = reduce(∘, ntuple(_ -> f, n))
I think that the following solution is optimal for both large and small n
function compose(f, n)
function (x) # <- this is syntax for an anonymous function
val = f(x)
for _ in 2:n
val = f(val)
return val
BTW: it is the construction of the composed function which is faster in the approach suggested here. The runtimes of the resulting functions seem to be identical.