I have exported my google-maps Point Of Interests (saved places / locations) via the takeout tool. How can i convert this to GPX, so that i can import it into OSMAnd?
I tried using gpsbabel:
gpsbabel -i geojson -f my-saved-locations.json -o gpx -F my-saved-locations_converted.gpx
But this did not retain the title/name of each point of interest - and instead just used names like WPT001, WPT002, etc.
in the end I solved this by creating a small python script to convert between the formats. This could be easily adapted for specific needs:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
def ingestJson(geoJsonFilepath):
poiList = []
with open(geoJsonFilepath) as fileObj:
data = json.load(fileObj)
for f in data["features"]:
poiList.append({'title': f["properties"]["Title"],
'lon': f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0],
'lat': f["geometry"]["coordinates"][1],
'link': f["properties"].get("Google Maps URL", ''),
'address': f["properties"]["Location"].get("Address", '')})
return poiList
def dumpGpx(gpxFilePath, poiList):
gpx = ET.Element("gpx", version="1.1", creator="", xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1")
for poi in poiList:
wpt = ET.SubElement(gpx, "wpt", lat=str(poi["lat"]), lon=str(poi["lon"]))
ET.SubElement(wpt, "name").text = poi["title"]
ET.SubElement(wpt, "desc").text = poi["address"]
ET.SubElement(wpt, "link").text = poi["link"]
xmlstr = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(gpx)).toprettyxml(encoding="utf-8", indent=" ")
with open(gpxFilePath, "wb") as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--inputGeoJsonFilepath', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--outputGpxFilepath', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
poiList = ingestJson(args.inputGeoJsonFilepath)
dumpGpx(args.outputGpxFilepath, poiList=poiList)
if __name__ == "__main__":
it can be called like so:
./convert-googlemaps-geojson-to-gpx.py \
--inputGeoJsonFilepath my-saved-locations.json \
--outputGpxFilepath my-saved-locations_converted.gpx