I was investigating the behavior of a ChangeFeedProcessorBuilder processor1
that throws an exception or goes down while processing the particular change. Upon recovery, the same change will not be picked up anymore. Is there any way to checkpoint only after the successful processing of the notification?
The delegate is as follows:
var builder = container.GetChangeFeedProcessorBuilder("migrationProcessor",
(IReadOnlyCollection<object> input, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
Console.WriteLine(input.Count + " Changes Received by " + a);
// just first try will fail (static variable)
if (a++ == 0)
throw new Exception();
return Task.CompletedTask;
Thank you!
The default behavior of the Change Feed Processor is to checkpoint after a successful delegate execution: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/change-feed-processor#processing-life-cycle
The normal life cycle of a host instance is:
If your delegate handler throws an unhandled exception, there is no checkpoint.
Adding from comments: The only scenario where the batch might not be retried is if the batch that throws is the first ever (lease has no Continuation). Because when the host picks up the lease again to reprocess, it has no point in time to retry from. Based on the official documentation, one lease is owned by a single instance, so there is no way that other instance could have picked up the same lease and be processing it in parallel (within the same Deployment Unit context).