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After changing the .env file, is it enough to execute "docker-compose up d" to apply changes?

firstly I wanna start by saying that I am not familier with servers and Docker. So take it easy on me. I am making some changes to a server I connected through google console cloud. The changes are in the .env file. I made some configuration changes. Then I know that I have to do something like close the server and restart it for the changes to apply. I executed docker-compose up -d but what I wanted did not happen. So maybe I should have said docker-compose down or the reason it did not happen was because of my code in the server?

This thing is for a self-hosted jitsi (video conferencing) server. I am trying to activate the jwt token authentication option. Here's my changes in the .env file:

#Enable authentication
# Enable guest access
# Select authentication type: internal, jwt or ldap
# JWT authentication
# Application identifier
JWT_APP_ID= myıd


  • Here's a minimum reproducible example showing that you do not need to run a docker-compose down to see the changes from the .env file:

    $ cat docker-compose.yml 
    version: '3.7'
        image: busybox
        container_name: test-env
        command: tail -f /dev/null
          message: ${message}
    $ docker-compose up -d
    Creating network "64553060_default" with the default driver
    Creating test-env ... done
    $ cat .env
    message=hello world
    $ docker exec test-env env | grep message
    message=hello world
    $ vi .env
    $ docker-compose up -d
    Recreating test-env ... done
    $ cat .env
    message=hello stackoverflow
    $ docker exec test-env env | grep message
    message=hello stackoverflow