I thought it was the case that @Published properties inside a class designated as an environment object would automatically update to all the subviews I pass the environment object to, but the below code isn't updating, what am I doing wrong?
class trackerDataStore: ObservableObject {
let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
@Published var isLoadingWorkouts = false
@Published var subscriptionIsActive = false
@Published var trackerWorkoutObject: trackerWorkoutObject?
struct detailHeaderCard: View {
@EnvironmentObject var trackerDataStore: TrackerDataStore
var body: some View {
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingPlayerAddStatsFormAsModal) {
PlayerAddStatsForm(isShowingPlayerAddStatsFormAsModal: $isShowingPlayerAddStatsFormAsModal)
struct PlayerAddStatsForm: View {
@EnvironmentObject var trackerDataStore: TrackerDataStore
//not getting reactively updated here
I found out that the way I wired up @EnvironmentObject
actually works well, I had a bug in my code in another area that was preventing the view from receiving the data I was looking for that made me think it was related to @EnvironmentObject
not working properly.