I tried to override my custom login with LoginModel and Login.cshtml as described here.
After replacing Login.cshtml and myCustomeLoginModel.cs, this error is shown :
'LoginModel' does not contain a constructor that takes 2 arguments
and this is the code of myCustomLoginModel.cs after replacing :
public class myCustomLoginModel: LoginModel
public myCustomLoginModel(IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemeProvider,
IOptions<Volo.Abp.Account.Web.AbpAccountOptions> accountOptions)
: base(schemeProvider, accountOptions)
and then all properties of myCustomLoginModel is not recognized in Login.cshtml like this : The properties of myCustomLoginModel is not recognized
What did I miss ?
I tried to send any text for @hikalkan, the contributor of this concept at abp.io, but I did not found any email or contact info that I can use.
I found that I had a fault! I had created a class named 'LoginModel.cs' under the Login.cshtml. I don't know how this happened. But this causes errors.
If I followed exactly what was in the document, it would work nicely!