I have an image and I'm trying to store the pixel colors for a set of points along a line into an array.
The endpoints of the line and the distance between points is given. I know that the command line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
draws a line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). I also know that .get()
applied to an image returns the pixel color at the specified location.
I am unsure how to put it all together.
Essentially the problem is in two parts:
The second is fairly simple: https://processing.org/reference/PImage_get_.html will give you all the info you need about getting the pixel values at a certain coordinate.
The first is a maths problem essentially.
The line you draw will have the equation: Y = m * X + C where C is the intercept of the X axis and M is its gradient.
(One thing to remember is that the origin (0,0) for a processing sketch is at the top left)
https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/line-equation-2points.html is a good resource for this. The basic methodology is to calculate the gradient M and then set Y to 0 and equate m * X = -C