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Faster way to generate multiple adjacency matrix

Suppose I have a arbitrary probability matrix P like below,

P = matrix(c(0.3,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3),3,3)
      [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]  0.3  0.2  0.2
[2,]  0.2  0.3  0.2
[3,]  0.2  0.2  0.3

For single adjacency matrix, it is generated like (unweighted, no self-loof)

tem = matrix(runif(3^2), nrow = 3)
tmpG = 1 * (tmpmat < P)
tmpG[lower.tri(tmpG)] <- 0
tmpG <- t(tmpG) + tmpG - diag(diag(tmpG))

However, what if I need to generate 100 adjacency matrix, so I write down the following code

G = list()
for (i in 1:rep) {
  tmpmat = matrix(runif(n^2), nrow = n)
  tmpG = 1 * (tmpmat < P)
  tmpG[lower.tri(tmpG)] <- 0
  tmpG <- t(tmpG) + tmpG - diag(diag(tmpG))
  if (noloop) {
    diag(tmpG) = 0
  G[[i]] = tmpG

In my case, the n >10000 and T = 1000, so it is extremely slow, any better idea to improve this?


  • I think we can do a bit better by only working with a vector of the length needed, and putting it into a matrix at the very end. I haven't checked this very carefully, and your code has no comments for me to compare intention to, so do make sure this is right before trusting it.

    p_vec = P[upper.tri(P, diag = !noloop)]
    nn = length(p_vec)
    tmpG_vec = runif(nn) < p_vec
    tmpG = matrix(0, n, n)
    tmpG[upper.tri(tmpG, diag = !noloop)] = tmpG_vec
    tmpG[lower.tri(tmpG, diag = !noloop)] = tmpG_vec

    We can then wrap that in replicate for the iteration.

    Benchmarking on more dimensions/higher reps, we get about a 25% speedup, but it's still pretty slow (I aborted a benchmark of n = 5000 because I got tired of waiting). You can probably get quite a bit of speed by running in parallel - say an almost 8x speedup if you have 8 cores. See, e.g., this question, though there may be more modern ways to do it.

    rep = 5L
    n = 2000
    noloop = TRUE
    P = matrix(runif(n^2), n)
    P = P %*% t(P)
    P = P / colSums(P)
    p_vec = P[upper.tri(P, diag = !noloop)]
    nn = length(p_vec)
      loop = {
        G = list()
        for (i in 1:rep) {
          tmpmat = matrix(runif(n^2), nrow = n)
          tmpG = 1 * (tmpmat < P)
          tmpG[lower.tri(tmpG)] <- 0
          tmpG <- t(tmpG) + tmpG - diag(diag(tmpG))
          if (noloop) {
            diag(tmpG) = 0
          G[[i]] = tmpG
      diagonal = replicate(rep, {
        tmpG_vec = runif(nn) < p_vec
        tmpG = matrix(0, n, n)
        tmpG[upper.tri(tmpG, diag = !noloop)] = tmpG_vec
        tmpG[lower.tri(tmpG, diag = !noloop)] = tmpG_vec
      times = 5L
    # Unit: seconds
    #      expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
    #      loop 1.525028 1.614544 2.136637 2.148771 2.387423 3.007417     5
    #  diagonal 1.312022 1.360457 1.592914 1.444902 1.602536 2.244652     5