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Using Typegoose with GraphQL

I am trying to use typegoose with graphql. I have a list of nested object within another object. I have defined the classes as follows

export class ChildClass {
  @Field({ nullable: true })
  someField: string;

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  anotherField: string;

export class ParentClass extends Typegoose {
  @Field(() => String)
  someField: string;

  @Field(() => [ChildClass], { nullable: 'itemsAndList' })
  children: ChildClass[];

When i call the following query

query {
  parentClass {
    children {

it always gives me null for the children's someField and anotherField. However, if i use mongoose instead of typegoose, it works correctly. MongoDb is returning fine while using typegoose. Its the conversion to graphql thats going wonky.

What am i missing here?


  • After tinkering around a bit, finally got it why this was happening. Updating the model to be like

      @prop( { type: () => [ChildClass] } )
      @Field(() => [ChildClass], { nullable: 'itemsAndList' })
      children: ChildClass[];

    does the magic. As per the documentation