We have an app utilizing Branch.io universal links. Following the documentation on: https://help.branch.io/developers-hub/docs/react-native#read-deep-link
On the react-native app you setup a subscriber to receive deep and universal links in the javascript runtime.
Using the latest react-navigation
from here: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/deep-linking
React Navigation would like to natively handle deep links. React Navigation does not appear to expose a good way to manually launch a link.
How can I utilize these two services together? Taking a deep link and decomposing it into a routable deep link is proving challenging. Our app has nested routers and redoing the translation from path to screens and parameters is something I don't want to do. Has anyone done this recently? Thanks.
You can notify React Navigation about incoming links using the subscribe
const linking = {
// Custom susbcription to handle incoming links
subscribe(listener) {
branch.subscribe(({ error, params, uri }) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error from Branch: ' + error);
if (params['+non_branch_link']) {
const nonBranchUrl = params['+non_branch_link'];
// Route non-Branch URL if appropriate.
if (!params['+clicked_branch_link']) {
// Indicates initialization success and some other conditions.
// No link was opened.
// A Branch link was opened
const url = params.$canonical_url;
return () => {
// Clean up the event listeners
// Options such as prefixes, screens config etc.
// ...
Docs: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/deep-linking/#third-party-integrations