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Godot delta is acting very weird

So I am working on a game with Godot. It is an infinite runner, so I need to spawn in a platform ahead of the player every few seconds. The timer node was confusing, so I just made a variable and added delta to it in _process. However, It didn't seem to work. Then I tried assigning a variable to delta and then printing delta and the variable, like this:

de = delta

then I get an output like this:

0.16667 0 0.16667 0

which signifies that delta isn't being added to a variable. What can I do to try and fix this and why is it happening?


  • I believe you wanted this:

    var timer = 0.0
    func _process(delta):
        timer += delta
        if timer > 1.0: # after one second passed
            # reset the timer and do something here
            timer = 0.0