I have found quite a few threads on each part of the code snippet I am trying to create/use.. but not in the way(s) I am trying to do it.
I have a dataframe of customer information.
1 column is a customer ID (CID), the 2nd column is the customer specific identifier (CSI)
That means customer a single customer id can represent many specific customers from a bigger pool, and the CSI tells me which specific customer from that pool I am looking at.
Data would look like this:
"Customer_Pool"=c("Art_Supplies", "Automotive_Supplies", "Office_Supplies", "School_Supplies",
"Art_Supplies", "Automotive_Supplies", "Office_Supplies", "School_Supplies"),
"Customer_name"=c("Janet","Jane", "Jill", "Jenna", "Joe", "Jim", "Jack", "Jimmy"))
I am trying to combine the CID and CSI numbers.. the problem is I need all the CID to be double digit (01 instead of 1 for example) to match the CID from 10-99
Here is what I have been trying:
DF <- DF %>% mutate(CID = if_else(str_length(CID = 1),
str_pad(CID, width = 2, side = "left), CID))
The error I am getting says: error in str_length(CID = 1): unused argument (CID = 1)
How would I correct this?
You have some syntax issues here. Try
DF <- DF %>% mutate(CID = if_else(str_length(CID) == 1,
str_pad(CID, width = 2, side = "left", pad="0"), CID))
When you call str_length(CID = 1)
, it looks like you are passing a parameter named "CID" to str_length
which it knows nothing about. Rather, you wan to take the string length of CID
and then compare that to 1 with ==
to test for equality (not =
which is for parameter names and assignments).
But really the if_else
isn't necessary here. If everyhing has to be 2 digits, then just do
DF <- DF %>% mutate(CID = str_pad(CID, width = 2, side = "left", pad="0"))
will only pad when needed.