I'm not quite sure why takeLeading
isn't working for me (takeLeading is supposed to take the first call and ignore subsequent calls until the first is returned). It's calling the same call 3 separate times like a takeEvery
with the same parameters from 3 separate components in their useEffect(() => {getApiWatcher(params)}, [])
on mount hook. It appears those don't return before the second is called either so I know it's not 3 uniquely separate calls.
function getApi(params) {
console.log('GET CALL') // called 3 times in console and network tab
return Api.doCall(
function* getApiActionEffect(action) {
const { payload } = action;
try {
const response = yield call(getApi, payload);
yield put(getApiSuccess({ data: response.data, status: response.status }));
} catch (e) {
yield put(getApiError(e.response));
export function* getApiActionWatcher() {
yield takeLeading( // should make sure only first call is made and subsequent are ignored
// action
export function getApiWatcher(payload) {
return { type: GET_API_WATCHER, payload };
// passed dispatch as props
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => bindActionCreators( { getApiWatcher, }, dispatch );
// root saga
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([... getApiActionWatcher(),...])
There is a lot more code involved so I'm not creating a sample jsfiddle, but ideas for what could potentially be going wrong are what I'm looking for! Might have over looked something.
Turns out there were duplicate imported functions in the root saga. For example:
// root saga
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
... getApiActionWatcher(),...
... getApiActionWatcher(),...
Removing the duplicates solved the issue. It also removed other duplicate calls I wasn't working on.