I created a cloud scheduler job named "my_job", sending messages every minute to a topic "my_topic" which is running like i expected. Now i would like to add some attributes to my message in order to retrieve them with a cloud function. That is why i executed this command line:
gcloud scheduler jobs update pubsub my_job --update-attributes=["name"="test","limit"="1000"]
Independently,I also tried to create the job directly with this command line:
gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub my_job_2 --schedule "*/1 * * * *" --topic my_topic --message-body="Hello" --attributes name=test,limit=1000
In both cases the console returns :
But I do not have any network connectivity issues. My IAM role is project owner.
Any idea ?
This indicates a (temporary) network/handshake error from your computer to the data center or on Google's side. Usually, when commands worked before, it will disappear in a few minutes. You could try another command, that should retrieve some results, to see whether the issue is persistent.
gcloud scheduler jobs list
Another way of testing for connectivity issues is by running the SDK's diagnostics test:
gcloud info --run-diagnostics
Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done.
Reachability Check passed.
Network diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).
Property diagnostic detects issues that may be caused by properties.
Checking hidden properties...done.
Hidden Property Check passed.
Property diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).
Otherwise, if the problem persists, it could also mean that one of Google's services (in a particular region) is unavailable. To check this Google invited a nice status board for all their services.