I decompiled a .net 4.6.1 project dll with dotpeek. After decompiling I have the following error:
CS1660 Cannot convert to 'Delegate' because type is not of delegate type
private void MainLogAdd(string s, System.Drawing.Color color)
this.lstLogBox.Invoke((delegate) (() =>
this.lstLogBox.Items.Add((object) ("[" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString().Substring(0, 8) + "] " + s));
this.lstLogBox.TopIndex = this.lstLogBox.Items.Count - 1;
After change with new Action 'Action 1 does not contain a constructor that takes its arguments'
I believe it'll work out if you simply change (delegate)
to (Action)
this.lstLogBox.Invoke((delegate) (() =>
this.lstLogBox.Invoke((Action) (() =>
Here's an example:
You say you have a class called Action already and it's causing a conflict. You can use the full name:
this.lstLogBox.Invoke((System.Action) (() =>
Or you can create an alias by e.g. putting this at the top of your class:
using SystemAction = System.Action;
Then using the alias..
this.lstLogBox.Invoke((SystemAction) (() =>
Or you can rename your class :)