I am struggling to make datetimepicker work on Bootstrap4 with npm
, I don't have any error when I compile the code and I don't have any error in the inspector, and the plugin is working but it seems like it doesn't load the CSS for some reason.
Here is what I have tried already:
npm i bootstrap4-datetimepicker
Then I have imported datetimepicker in my JS files with
import 'bootstrap4-datetimepicker';
and I have imported the datetimepicker CSS in my mean SCSS file with:
@import "~bootstrap4-datetimepicker/build/css/bootstrap4-datetimepicker.css"
I don't have any JS error at all so all the files are imported properly.
Here is my HTML file:
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="datepicker-disabled-days">
Here is my JS file:
import 'bootstrap4-datetimepicker';
format: 'LT'
The calendar appears when I click on the input field but it doesn't have CSS. Here is the result that I want to achieve http://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
I am open to using another module if the module can be used to select dates and times.
I managed to fix this problem in this way: This module gives the possibility to display custom icons in the calendar, I use fontawsome icons css classes to display the arrow up and arrow down,
Here is the code:
icons: {
up: "fa angle-up",
down: "fa angle-down"
In order to select the hh:mm format:
format: 'LT'
Here is the result: