Is there anyone who can answer this? It really doesn't make sense and I want to avoid getting rejected later.....
I have created a single Distribution Certificate for my company.
I have successfully used this for Adhoc distribution, linking it to an Adhoc Provisioning Profile which includes all the test devices.
I have also submitted the App to Apple with a separate App Store Provisioning Profile (has App Store selected and does not have any devices linked to it) but the same Distribution Certificate. It was rejected but that was due to a bug that only appeared in the Release Build config and I've sorted that now.
As part of resolving that, I found that I could copy the Release config built App (which uses the App Store Provisioning Profile) to my devices and it runs fine.
Whilst that was handy for resolving the issue, I didn't think I would be able to run it on my devices.
Am I missing something or does Apple allow this now?
Am I right to use the same Distribution Certificate on both? - YES - thanks @Swapna
I'm wondering if in fact the App I submitted was somehow built using the Adhoc Provisioning Profile and that it will fail when it finally gets released.
I've also heard that I should create a new Provisioning Profile for each submission. Is that right and if so, why? - NO - thanks @Swapna
Many thanks,
You can use the same distribution certificate for Ad Hoc profile and App store distribution profile.
However separate provisioning profile has to created and downloaded for Ad hoc distribution and App store distribution.
If you need to upgrade an existing app, you will have to use the same Provisioning Profile you had created while submitting your application to iTunes for approval. New Provisioning Profile should be created, only if the application is a new one.