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Retrieving latest 10 images per post from WordPress DB doesn't work. Possible fix?

I need to retrieve the latest 10 images for each post from the Posts table of a WordPress DB (MySQL 5.0) by using a custom MySql query, so I have written this one:

SELECT p.*, COUNT( p.post_parent ) AS counter
FROM wp_posts AS p
LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_posts AS p_temp
    ON p.post_parent = p_temp.post_parent AND
       p.post_date < p_temp.post_date
WHERE p.post_type = 'attachment' AND
      p.post_mime_type LIKE 'image/%' AND
      p.post_parent > 0 
HAVING counter <= 10
ORDER BY p.post_parent, p.post_date DESC

The problem is that I get a counter that doesn't start from 1 for each post_parent group, neither is sequential. So the result isn't reliable.

Some sample data the test database returns me:

ID    post_date             post_parent   post_type    counter
502   2020-03-02 17:42:03   463           attachment   2
474   2020-01-28 18:41:55   463           attachment   5
933   2020-10-26 09:28:54   497           attachment   1
932   2020-10-26 09:28:34   497           attachment   2
500   2020-03-02 17:29:08   497           attachment   6
499   2020-03-02 17:28:55   497           attachment   7
498   2020-03-02 17:28:43   497           attachment   8

How could I fix the query so that it does return max 10 results (images) for each value of post_parent (the ID of the post to which images are attached)?


  • This is tricky, particularly because some posts may not have ten rows. So, the basic idea is similar to GMBs answer, but while taking into account that there are not 9 rows (and using the correct columns):

    select p.*
    from wp_posts p
    where p.post_type = 'attachment' and
          p.post_mime_type like 'image/%' and
          p.post_parent > 0 and
          p.post_date >= coalesce( (select p2.post_date
                                    from wp_posts p2
                                    where p2.post_type = 'attachment' and
                                          p2.post_mime_type like 'image/%' and
                                          p2.post_parent > 0
                                    order by p2.post_date desc
                                    limit 9, 1
                                   ), p.post_date


    If you want this per post_parent use a correlation clause:

          p.post_date >= coalesce( (select p2.post_date
                                    from wp_posts p2
                                    where p2.post_type = 'attachment' and
                                          p2.post_mime_type like 'image/%' and
                                          p2.post_parent = p.post_parent
                                    order by p2.post_date desc
                                    limit 9, 1
                                   ), p.post_date