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how do I make a db call when cache is empty and set value to cache from db?

I have a cache and a database.I am fetching value from cache. if data from cache is empty (due to expiration). I am making a call to database and after fetching data from cache. I will set the value from database to cache.

Single<String> get() {
    return getFromCache().onErrorResumeNext(getFromDatabase());

Single<String> getFromCache()  { // or should I use may be here
   //return Single.just("cache");
    return Single.error(new Exception("exception"));

Single<String> getFromDatabase() {
    return Single.just("database");

Single<String> setDatabase(Single<String> val) {
            v -> {
                String res = v;
                return res;

Here I am able to call database if value from cache is empty but then I am not able to call method setDatabase.

------------ I have found this way to solve it--------------------------- Since I am new to rxjava. I wanted to what is best way to solve this

Single<String> get() {
    Observable<String> cacheObservable = getFromCache().toObservable();
    Observable<String> databaseObservable = getFromDatabase().toObservable();

    Single<String> result = Observable.concat(cacheObservable, databaseObservable).firstOrError();

    databaseObservable.doOnNext(val-> {
    return result;

Maybe<String> getFromCache()  { // or should I use may be here
   //return Maybe.just("cache");
   return Maybe.empty();

Single<String> getFromDatabase() {
    return Single.just("database");

void setDatabase(String res) {


  • You were almost done, use switchIfEmpty for your use case :

    Single<String> get() {
            return getFromCache()