Really new to the world of go and trying to learn by doing. I want to see how I would use go routines to add items to a "queue" in one go routine while another go routine listens for the queue and processes things as they enter. In this case I have a func that adds a defined amount of items to a int[] while the other attempts to print them as they are added.. I assume a flag will need to be sent to signal that one go routine has stopped adding items to the queue. I apologize for the noob question but am struggling understanding the new terminology and syntax.
package main
import "fmt"
func printFromSlice(c chan []int){
i := <-c
// wait for item to be added to channel
func addToSlice (c chan []int, i int) {
for n := 0; n < i; n++{
c <- n //I know this isnt right
// How do we signal this is complete??
func main(){
c := make(chan []int)
//add things to []i int
go addToSlice(c, 25)
//do something from []int
go printFromSlice(c)
modified to use the following code however now it will only execute to a single print form the ~printFromSlice` function before it closes out...
package main
func printFromSlice(c chan int){
i := <-c
// wait for item to be added to channel
func addToSlice (c chan int) {
for n := 0; n < 100; n++{
c <- n
func main(){
c := make(chan int)
//add things to []i int
go addToSlice(c)
//do something from []int
go printFromSlice(c)
You need to add a sync.WaitGroup to block the main thread until the two goroutine could finish. You could refer to this Go by Example.
package main
import "sync"
func printFromSlice(c chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done() // Decrement the waitgroup counter by 1 after `printFromSlice` returns
// wait for item to be added to channel
// i := <-c // this only waits / blocks 1 time
// For each message arriving at c, read and print
for i := range c { // this would read all messages until channel is closed
func addToSlice(c chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done() // Decrement the waitgroup counter by 1 after `addToSlice` returns
for n := 0; n < 100; n++ {
c <- n
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
c := make(chan int)
wg.Add(2) // Adds 2 to the waitgroup counter
//add things to []i int
go addToSlice(c, &wg) // Pass the wait group as reference so they can call wg.Done()
//do something from []int
go printFromSlice(c, &wg) // Pass the wait group as reference so they can call wg.Done()
// <-c // No need for this to block the code
wg.Wait() // Waits / blocks until waitgroup counter is 0