I have a Debian GCP instance that I'm trying to run a Python gRPC server. My instance has a static IP and I'm trying to establish a secure channel between my remote instance (server) and a local client.
I have generated self-signed OpenSSL certificates on the server and I am using the same certificates on the client. To generate I've used:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ML.key -x509 -days 365 -out ML.crt
My server is set up like so (the .key and .crt files are loaded with an open
as 'rb'
server_credentials = grpc.ssl_server_credentials(((private_key, certificate_chain,),))
self.server.add_secure_port('' % self.port, server_credentials)
My client is set up as:
host = '78.673.121.16' #this is the instance's static IP
port = 9063
certificate_chain = __load_ssl_certificate() #this loads the certificate file
# create credentials
credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(root_certificates=certificate_chain)
# create channel using ssl credentials
channel = grpc.secure_channel('{}:{}'.format(host, port), credentials)
and then I proceed to make a request.
At the server I am met with the following error, in response to my request:
E1017 17:21:22.964227087 1881 ssl_transport_security.cc:1807] No match found for server name: 78.673.121.16.
I have tried to change the Common Name (CN) of the certificate to localhost
and 78.673.121.16
but to no avail.
Is there any suggestion?
I have failed to find how to solve this and have opted to set up a permanent DNS for my instance instead. I was using GCP which, as of the time of writing, doesn't staightforwardly provide a way to assign this to an instance.
I switched to Azure, assigned the DNS to my instance and used that DNS and CN
on my self-signed SSL certificate.
After that I changed the client (the server remains as originally) as:
host = 'myinstance.westus.azure.com' #this is the instance's DNS
port = 9063
This resolved my issue.