I have a scenario where I am handling a generic Behavior that needs some extra information when a message is received:
case class A(count: Int)
type MyBehavior[T] = Behavior[(A, T)]
The code to handle this extra information might be something like the following:
case class B(str: String)
def active(b: B): MyBehavior[B] = Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case (a, b) =>
active(b.copy(str = a.count.toString)
I then have a function to handle this Behavior generically. But given a reference to a behavior, I don't know how to apply a message to it to create a new behavior:
def f[T](a: A, behavior: MyBehavior[T])(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Behavior[T] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case t: T =>
val newBehavior: MyBehavior[T] = ??? // Can I pass a and t?
f(a.copy(count = a.count + 1), newBehavior)
Is there a way for me to apply a message to a behavior to create a new behavior?
You can spawn a new actor using context
and send a message to if from your current actor. This way you can "prepend" some logic before action done by that actor.
Behaviors.setup { context =>
def f[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Behavior[(A, T)] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case (a: A, t: T) =>
val newA = a.copy(count = a.count + 1)
val newActor = context.spawn(f[T])
newActor ! (newA, t)
Important thing that is missing from your code - behavior is a recipe for an actor, but it is not an actor on its own. You have to instantiate it using ActorSystem(behavior, actorSystemName)
(entry to whole system) or via context.spawn(behavior)
. Without that you recursive calls will be just recursive calls, not sending a message from actor to a newly spawned actor.