How exactly do we specify the environment variable for docker-compose in the production environment?
For example, below is a snippet of how I have specified my env variables in my current docker-compose file of the development environment:
- REDIS_HOST=redis
- PGUSER=postgres
- PGHOST=postgres
- PGDATABASE=postgres
- PGPASSWORD=postgres_password
- PGPORT=5432
But I cannot do the same for the production environment as the code would be pushed on GitHub and it would expose the environment variables.
So how exactly do we solve this problem out?
You can put the environment variables in .env file. You will not commit this file in github. It is like a configuration file. To know more about .env file, you can check this:
Then you can use the variables in the compose file. You can check it from this:
Adding with the required answer: You can have different values for Environment Variables depending on production or development. You can manage this as well. Try this link:
you need to run this command to link the environment file with the compose file:
docker-compose --env-file your_environment_file_location up
So, for development,
docker-compose --env-file development_environment_file_location up
And for production,
docker-compose --env-file production_environment_file_location up
hope, this answer will solve your problem.