I'm trying to merge and update target table based on Hash_val. but i'm getting below error. Such merge condition is not supported. below is the code.
merge into table1 as t1
using table2 as t2
on hash_md5(t1.col1||t1.col2||t1.col3)=hash_md5(t2.col1||t2.col2||t2.col3)
when matched then
update t1.col4='XYZ'
What about breaking up the join condition of the merge into it's subparts
merge into table1 as t1
using table2 as t2
on t1.col1=t2.col1
and t1.col2=t2.col2
and t1.col3=t2.col3
when matched then update set t1.col4='XYZ'
This should effectively do the same as a join on a concat-single criterion.