I am getting this error: GraphQLError [Object]: Syntax Error: Expected ":", found "}", while I am trying to build out a GraphQL Server using Apollo and will eventually host on MongoDB.
But I cannot understand why, can someone maybe spot a mistake in my code?
const gameWeek = gql`
type Query {
GameWeeks: [GameWeek]!
type Mutation {
createGameWeek(player_id: ID!): GameWeekUpdateResponse!
updateGameWeek(player_id: ID!): GameWeekUpdateResponse!
deleteGameWeek(player_id: ID!)
type createGameWeek {
player_id: ID!
player_name: String!
points: Float
rank: Int!
previous_rank: Int!
total: Float
team_name: String!
team_id: Int
type GameWeekUpdateResponse {
success: Boolean!
message: String
gameweeks: [GameWeek]
type GameWeek {
player_id: ID!
player_name: String!
points: Float
rank: Int!
previous_rank: Int!
total: Float
team_name: String!
team_id: Int
module.exports = gameWeek;```
in the 8th line you have:
deleteGameWeek(player_id: ID!)
the error explains u that u have to write what your mutation will return by a ":" and the type of data like "Boolean", the compiler just found a "}" after the mutation declaration. You can't let a Query, Mutation or Subscription without a return value(maybe with scalar but that is another history).
a correct declaration could be:
deleteGameWeek(player_id: ID!) : GameWeekUpdateResponse!